Shabbat evening ritual

Nusach Sefard: Shalom Aleichem

Nusach Sefard: Shalom Aleichem

This post includes the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts for Shalom Aleichem according to Nusach

The Role of Angels in Judaism

The Role of Angels in Judaism

This comprehensive article from provides a survey of the Jewish understanding of angels and the

Debbie Friedman's Shalom Aleichem with Onscreen Transliteration

Debbie Friedman's Shalom Aleichem with Onscreen Transliteration

This video presents the operatic soprano, Rowna Sutin, performing Debbie Friedman's original tune for Shalom

Rav Shmuel Brazil: Popular Melody for Shalom Aleichem

Rav Shmuel Brazil: Popular Melody for Shalom Aleichem

This is a recording of Rabbi Shmuel Brazil's original, uptempo rendition of Shalom Aleichem, from the "Regesh