
Why We Dip the Bread in Salt During the HaMotzi Ritual

Why We Dip the Bread in Salt During the HaMotzi Ritual

This responsum from Chabad.org discusses the origins of dipping bread into salt before eating it as part of

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan: The Connection Between the Exodus and Challah

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan: The Connection Between the Exodus and Challah

This excerpt from “Sabbath: Day of Eternity” by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan describes the deep spiritual connection

How to Light Shabbat Candles: Kabbalistic Wisdom

How to Light Shabbat Candles: Kabbalistic Wisdom

This video describes how to light the Friday evening Shabbat candles according to the Orthodox Ashkenazi tradition.

Waving the Hands Before Candle Lighting: A Kabbalistic Understanding

Waving the Hands Before Candle Lighting: A Kabbalistic Understanding

This short post explores the Halachic (Jewish law) and Kabbalistic (Jewish mysticism) explanations as to why

The Connection Between Giving Tzedakah and Shabbat Candle Lighting

The Connection Between Giving Tzedakah and Shabbat Candle Lighting

The following article describes the practice of giving tzedakah (charity) before lighting the Shabbat evening

Shabbat Candle Lighting: Empowering or Restricting to Women?

Shabbat Candle Lighting: Empowering or Restricting to Women?

The following article addresses whether the tradition of women lighting Shabbat candles is empowering or restricting.

Art in Motion: The Ana B'Koach Prayer Video

Art in Motion: The Ana B'Koach Prayer Video

This 3:39 minute long video presents David Asher Brook's award winning artistic representation of the mystical

The Significance of Fire in Judaism

The Significance of Fire in Judaism

This excerpt notes the universally recognized power of fire, as well as its particular significance

Reb Zalman's Shabbat Afirmations

Reb Zalman's Shabbat Afirmations

The following prayer comes from the "Siddur Tehillat HaShem Yidaber Pi — Sabbath Evening Supplement"