In this home video, the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) Rabbinical Choir, led by Chief Cantor Shai Abramson,
This video presents an emotive rendition of the first two and last two verses of
In this personal article, Sarah Zell Young shares how her religious journey is reflected in her
In this article, a modern woman who lives by Jewish tradition explains why she feels
This video presents a simple, clear version of the most popular melody for Eishet Chayil, composed by
This reflection by feminist scholar, Dr. Wendy Zierler, traces her evolving relationship with the words of Eshet
This 94 page book, "More Precious Than Pearls: A Prayer for the Women of Valor in
This essay discusses some theories as to which biblical woman the poem, Eishet Chayil, could be
This brief article from Wikipedia offers an introduction to Proverbs 31, the Biblical source for Eishet Chayil.
The following article describes the practice of giving tzedakah (charity) before lighting the Shabbat evening
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