This less than 5 minute long animated video introduces the basic Shabbat rituals performed on Friday night,
This poetic blessing over the bread brings one's intentions toward all of the people, powers, and
In this halachic discourse, Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir of the Orthodox Union, discusses the obligations
In this audio recording, Rabbi Barry Kenter of the Greenburgh Hebrew Center sings the Shabbat version of
This humorous music video, produced by campers and staff from TheZone Jewish Sleepaway Camp, presents a
This detailed article by Chaviva Gordon-Bennett explains the meaning, origins, customs, and practical how-to’s of the blessing
This introductory article by Rabbi Mendy Hecht explains the commandment of 'Hafrashat Challah' (‘separating challah’), complete
The following responsum, written by Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld for’s Ask The Rabbi, column, describes how to
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