כל סוגי המאמרים של peretz
Yah Ribon Olam
This song, usually grouped among those for Friday night, is a Shabbat favorite even though
Menucha Ve-simcha
Often printed as the first of the Friday night repertoire of table songs (zemirot), this
Yom Zeh Le-Yisrael
This classic zemer, whose first four stanzas were written by Isaac Chandali in 15th- century
Mah Yedidut
This Shabbat table song (zemer), usually included in the Friday night set of songs (zemirot),
Hand-Washing Before a Meal: A Detailed Guide
In this video, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein outlines the circumstances in which one is required to perform
Hand-Washing Before a Meal: A Basic Guide
In this short instructional video, an American Conservative rabbi offers a presentation of how to wash