ארכיון של פברואר 2018
תפילה לשלום השבויים והנעדרים
בקטע זה ניתן לקרוא את נוסח התפילה לשלום השבויים והנעדרים, אשר ניתן להשתמש בה לציון
'תחילה בוכים'- אברהם חלפי
בקטע זה ניתן לקרוא את מילות השיר 'תחילה בוכים' שכתב המשורר אברהם חלפי. השיר עוסק
Edot Hamizrach/Sephardic Havdalah (with Hebrew text)
This 2 minute long video demonstrates the Nusach Edot Hamizrach Havdalah commonly used by Jews
How to Perform the Reform Havdalah Ceremony
In this 6 and a half minute long video, Rabbi Katie Bauman provides meaningful explanations and practical instructions
How to Perform the Orthodox Ashkenazi Havdalah Ceremony
This 3 and a half minute long video demonstrates how to perform the Havdalah ceremony that
What is Havdalah and Why is it Important?
In this 3 and a half minute long video, Dayan Ivan Binstock explains the Havdalah ceremony
The Mystical Meaning of Havdalah
In this almost 14 minute long video, Rabbi Alon Anava delves into some of the
How to Perform Havdalah According to Nusach Yerushalmi
This 5:40 minute long instructional video (in Hebrew with partial English subtitles) demonstrates how to
Yemenite Havdalah (Hebrew)
This short audio recording presents the Yemenite Baladi custom for the Havdalah ceremony that concludes
Moroccan Havdalah
In this 6 and a half minute long video, Israeli singer of Jewish hymns, Moshe