ארכיון של נובמבר 2017

Secular/ Humanist HaMotzi Texts

Secular/ Humanist HaMotzi Texts

The following excerpts from a Secular/Humanist Shabbat Service emphasize our connection to the land and

Do We Wash Each Hand Two or Three Times?

Do We Wash Each Hand Two or Three Times?

This short post describes the different halachic opinions regarding how many times one must wash

Why Do We Wash Our Hands Before Eating Bread?

Why Do We Wash Our Hands Before Eating Bread?

This short post explains the biblical origins behind the ritual hand-washing before bread, which is

Aish: Printable Hand Washing & Hamotzi Guide

Aish: Printable Hand Washing & Hamotzi Guide

This simple one-page card from Aish.com provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the

Bread from the Earth: Food Justice Ceremony

Bread from the Earth: Food Justice Ceremony

This ceremony, meant to be performed before the blessing over the bread, encourages people to

Ritual Hand-Washing Meditation

Ritual Hand-Washing Meditation

In this short meditative practice, June Kozak Kane suggests intentions which one can ponder while

Race & Social Justice: "Until Justice Rolls Down Like Water"

Race & Social Justice: "Until Justice Rolls Down Like Water"

This ceremony, meant to be performed before the ritual hand-washing prior to eating bread, encourages

The Ultimate Gluten-Free Challah Recipe

The Ultimate Gluten-Free Challah Recipe

This gluten-free challah recipe is perfect for anyone with a gluten sensitivity who still wants

A Ritual of Sending Challah to Kids in College

A Ritual of Sending Challah to Kids in College

In this personal story, Sheri Linder describes how she bakes challah each week and sends

Aish: Printable Hand Washing & Hamotzi Guide

Aish: Printable Hand Washing & Hamotzi Guide

This simple one-page card from Aish.com provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the